Friday, March 15, 2019


Haningeterrassen Haningeterrassen Haningeterrassen Haningeterrassen
The never ending project that is Haningeterrassen continues. At the moment they are working on a few new apartment buildings and also on the underground bus terminal.


  1. It always amazes me how long it seems to take and then one day you pass by and it's all done!

  2. That's a huge construction site. Glad to see the progress is moving right along.

  3. A lot of work.

    A never ending project here is making the news on a regular basis.

  4. And all at the expense of nature.

  5. This project will take a decade. We are a few years in now but it feels like it will go on forever. No real loss for nature though as this place was already used as a but terminal and a passage to and from the commuter station. And nature is just a few meters away with the Rudan nature reserve that I visit as often as I can.
