Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Empty Roads

Empty Road Road and Sidewalk
So it is Winter here in case you hadn't noticed. And over the weekend, from Friday, it started to snow again. And surprisingly Sweden and snow is not a good combination at all these days. And as expected chaos followed in the wake of that snowfall, which meant traffic problems all over the place. Nothing works here when we get a few centimetres of snow. Here are two photos I took along Allévägen in Tungelsta on Saturday.


  1. It's kind of comforting to know that Sweden struggles with snow as much as we do in the UK. You'd think we'd have figured it out by now but we haven't.

  2. It looks beautiful! We get some fools out on the roads too - no snow tires and speeding around!

  3. Buses cancelled. Trains not working. Flights cancelled at the main airports. Roads and sidewalks not ploughed at all. The joy of Winter.

  4. Den övre bilden på allén är strålande. Snön gör givetvis mycket för bilden men även djupet där blicken riktigt sugs in i centrum. Varannandagsvädret har tyvärr förstört mycket av det vintervackra i skrivande stund, synd.

  5. Det gäller att passa på, det är inte många dagar per år när snön täcker den här delen av Allévägen.
