If I were to make a bucket-list chances are that a Summer boat ride along the famous Göta Kanal would be on that list. If you want to learn more about it (and you really should), I can recommend the official web site. On my recent trip south together with two of the usual suspects one of the suspects and I decided to check out the locks at Berg which is part of the Göta Canal system. A Winter visit here is a but unusal as there's no traffic on the canal but there you go. The first two photos here shows the seven Carl Johan stairway locks that will take you from the canal to lake Roxen. The third snap shows houses close to the canal and marina. The fourth photo shows the frozen and over-snowed guest harbour at Bergs slussar. It's an artificial man-made harbour. The fifth and final photo shows what I believe to be a retirement home that sits just a few meters from the lock.
The locks look a bit narrower, but remind me very much of those along our Rideau Canal.
ReplyDeleteWow! Just wow! Could our scenes today be any more different ✨
ReplyDeleteBergs slussar har jag aldrig stannat till vid. Har åkt förbi ett antal gånger under mitten av 80-talet då jag som värnpliktig hängde i krokarna. Ett sommar-resmål som verkligen blir toppen i din vintertolkning. Snyggt!
ReplyDeleteKanske inte den bästa dagen för ett besök. Men kul med några vinterbilder därifrån, får väl ta en tur på Göta Kanal till sommaren.