Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Tulip Festival

The Tulip Festival took place yesterday in Handen. The weather was fantastic. Several hundred people filled up Poseidon's square for a few hours. The performance group ReAct! entertained the crowds. If you walked through the big tent you could pick yourself a free bouquet of tulips, and the queue for that never ended. So sit back and have a look at the slideshow. It is 77 photos of tulips, people, tulips, people and more tulips. If you can't see the slideshow press here to see the photos at flickr.


  1. Looks like the Netherlands. The guy has even an orange jacket. Nice shot.

  2. Beautiful and colourful photos. Great slideshow, I like the guy with the long beard and hair. He looks interesting standing in front of all those tulips.
