Thursday, May 17, 2018

A casual pose

A casual pose
Mathilda came walking over the bridge at Gudöbroleden just as I had stopped to see if I could get a few photos of vintage cars, but I gave up on that idea as soon as I noticed Mathilda. Midday and strong sunshine, perhaps not the ideal time for portraits, but if you see a photogenic woman what are you to do!


  1. What are you, a babe magnet? Sheesh!

  2. Exactly! I'm building up to getting in touch with the Perth photographer you told me about Steffe, I really would like to walk around with her and see how she approaches people!

  3. P.s. I can't believe you never use your wide angle lens, how come?

  4. You really should do that Grace, I know you will both have a good time. About the lens, in those situations where I need a wide-angle lens I I prefer to shoot a panoramic view i.e. taking a lot of photos with the same setting and then stitching them together. I find that there's less distortion that way and I can never appreciate a photo with a lot of that.

  5. Gee, she is definitely in the dark. You couldn't have gone to the other side of her?
