Saturday, April 07, 2018

Landscape with red fox

Landscape with red fox
Been busy filling up a waste container at home this week. An old sofa has been tossed out as has a lot of other stuff. This old painting by Bertil Widbrant might end up there tomorrow. It hangs on the stairway wall and what you don't see here is the big hole that someone has made on the canvas.


  1. There is little doubt that this painting could find its way to the dumpster and it wouldn't be a big loss. But, check first. It may be a famous painting and worth millions. Then you could spend your winters in southern France. :)

  2. Did just that yesterday Lowell. The artist did a lot of similar landscape paintings and there's no chance of me getting rich if I tried to sell this at an auction. Dumpster it is.
