Friday, July 28, 2017

The Art of Waiting

The Art of Waiting
I'm not very good at waiting, but it is something we all have to do every now and then. So while I waited for my friends to show up at the place that we had chosen for coffee today, at my favorite beach, Årsta Havsbad, I jumped on the bike again and headed down to the port that will take visitors to the archipelago. No ferry there when I arrived, but I noticed a few people that were waiting for the ferry, and I like to think that the people that stacked these stones and that bone so nicely did that while waiting for the ferry.


  1. There is a guy here who erects structures like that at a spot on the Ottawa River each spring. They generally stay in place through the fall.

  2. A bonafide cairn. (Sorry about that, I can't stop myself). But what a nice shot. I've gotten many nice shots myself while waiting for trains and such.

  3. Occasionally I see stacked rocks on the beaches here. at least you had your camera to pass the time waiting.

  4. Cairns are surprisingly common, found in all sorts of unexpected places. I don't understand why people are drawn to create them.
