So I spot this guy from a distance. Figure him as an old hippie. Or maybe a retired sailor who will tell me that "I have sailed the seven seas, and here's my story". Not at all. This is Oscar Ian Borgström. He was waiting for his bus at Port 73 in Handen yesterday when I asked him if I could snap a few portraits with my new 35mm lens. I told him that it was the combination of a few things that made me want to take his photo. The big white beard, the deep tan, the sunglasses and of course the Hawaiian shirt. Turns out Oscar wasn't the old hippie I took him for. And he didn't sail the seven seas, and he never visited Hawaii. He is a former IT manager! And the closest thing to a hippie life in California was a trip to Nevada for a computer and electronics fair in Las Vegas back in the day. I'm sure Oscar could have told me a few interesting stories from his life, but just as I took up my notebook his bus home to Jordbro arrived.
Nice portrait and story indeed. Well done.
ReplyDeleteBra porträttbild, fint ljus och riktigt behaglig bakgrundsoskärpa. Nytt 35 mm-objektiv, alltså? Är det någon av Canons varianter du hittat? Det är en brännvidd jag inte har i min utrustning och jag vet inte om jag saknar det eller inte. Utifrån resultatet i denna bild borde det införskaffas!
ReplyDeleteCertainly not a stereotypical IT geek!
ReplyDeleteSamma märke som mitt nya 100mm-objektiv. Yongnuo. Köpt via appen wish.com Kostar inte mer än tusenlappen. Motsvarande Canonobjektiv kostar närmare fyratusen. En anledning till att jag köpte gluggen var att jag lättare kan fota "mitt" träd. Senaste året har jag fotat trädet med 50mm-objektivet, och då måste jag ta flera bilder och sätta ihop dessa i PS. Sen borde 35mm funka bra både till porträtt, raggarbilar och landskapsbilder.
ReplyDeleteManuell fokus, gissar jag? Det verkar i alla fall leverera bra kvalitet och då är en 1000-lapp ett fyndpris!
DeleteNej då, här är det autofokus som gäller. Och tur är väl det för min syn är inte den bästa. Har inte hunnit ta alltför många bilder än, men jag har gjort ett flickr-album som du kan spana in här.
ReplyDeleteYou certainly wouldn't think it looking at him.
ReplyDeleteI'm reminded of a couple my parents knew- if you'd look at them, they looked like aging hippies. The husband had long grey hair in a pony tail, always dressed casual, even in church.
He was one of the founders of the IMAX corporation, and the most technically inclined of those founders.
He must be a bit of a character though!