Friday, June 02, 2017

Hipster on a cool bike

Dude on a cool bike
I don't know anything about this guy but I'm guessing he is in to Metal, that he likes to work out at the gym, that he really loves his dad and that he is good with tools as I'm also guessing that he fixed up the cool bike.


  1. I'm guessing you are correct on all counts. Nice bike though.

  2. Indeed an older one by the looks of it.

  3. Interesting observation Sherlock... but I think you are right.

  4. But biking to him is just a leisure activity, not a serious sport. How can I tell? Look at the shoes. A "real" biker has bike shoes which fit into stirrups on the pedals. It's a cool bike, though.

  5. Good observation skills, I bet you're right. Looks like a vintage bike.

  6. Nice shot. I like the cubist background.
