Thursday, May 11, 2017

Two Years Behind Schedule

Two Years Behind  Schedule
The huge Haningeterrassen project in central Handen is under way since around two years. But it is already two years behind schedule! Next to this 18 storey apartment building there will be a new underground bus terminal that was supposed to be finished thus Summer, but work on that project have just gotten under way. That means a lot of running and walking for the stressed commuters going to and from the commuter station as the bus stops have been moved further away from the commuter station. And they are not very happy about that as you could read in the local paper this week.


  1. Financing and planning are to complete different worlds with the gouvernement rules in between as extra sand in the wheels. Here we started a metro in 2002 and the planning departing said oh 2008 its ready. Now its 2017 and still not ready. The price is also risen to 3 times the calculated amount but as always. The taxpayer pays.

  2. Meantime there's a muddy hole... oh dear. That kind of thing happens here too.

  3. It happens everywhere Steffe.. they would be better to say 'it will be finished when it is finished' then there are no expectations 😀😀
