Saturday, May 06, 2017

Swedish Bikini Team

Swedish Bikini Team
It must be Summer already. I biked past these two bikini babes at Nedre Rudasjön in Handen yesterday. I was so surprised to see them there that I turned around and asked them if it was okay if I snapped a few photos of them from the next pier. I told them to wave to me, which they did, and then they had a long laugh, so I probably made their day! This was the warmest day of the year so far, but I don't want to tell you how warm it was because I don't want Grace to start laughing as well.


  1. Wasn't there snow a few days before?

  2. Getting warmer here too - but not bikini weather yet!!

  3. A delightful sight!

    Here it's mid-teens today, but rain continues.

  4. I can guess what it was Steffe and I'm... laughing :) :)

  5. There must have been a movie or a product promotion using this phrase. American males would get the point.

  6. Back to "normal" now. 5C and strong winds.
