Saturday, May 27, 2017

I'm too sexy for my shirt...

I'm too sexy for my shirt... ...too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts. That song by Right Said Fred came to mind when I spotted this gentleman on his bike earlier in the week. I'm afraid to think about what he might be wearing today as this Saturday is supposed set a few new temperature records, at least if you want to believe the meteorologists, and I really want to do that.


  1. At least he is keeping his pants on. Enjoy the heat wave.

  2. At least he's getting some exercise in.

    I'll have that song stuck in my head all day.

  3. Some people do not see the line between comfort and taste.

    I ran into Right Said Fred years ago in a down-at-the heels hotel in Miami Beach. Not impressive to me but the waitresses at breakfast wanted their autographs.

  4. Oh you made me laugh out loud Steffe.. not so much the shirtless man, I see that all the time here but your title..too funny 😀
