Friday, March 10, 2017

Beaver silhouette

Beaver silhouette
My third and last photo from the mound along Stavsvägen in Tungelsta. When the mound is gone it will be replaced with a new park that will follow the stream. The water you see here is part of a future water storage dam. There will also be a number of allotment gardens just here. In the background you can see the rebuilt commuter station as well as the old station house plus a few private homes, the former post office, today a restaurant and also the roof of the brick church that dates back to 1974. I didn't notice the beaver silhouette until I opened the photo in Photoshop and now I cant unsee it, hence the title.


  1. Yellow is a good color in the white, gray and brown landscape.

    I would not have identified that as a beaver, but what do I know? There is always Content Aware Fill.

  2. Nice image and nice details.
