Monday, February 06, 2017

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree
Christmas tree out on the balcony at the Argos building in Handen. Will it be there come Midsummer?


  1. You wonder why they didn't take it down for disposal.

  2. Funny shot. I had a friend who put up lights on his house every Christmas. He took them down every July!

  3. One dark night it will be thrown from the balcony and no one will know who to blame.

  4. Might land on the parking garage roof, or possibly the road if they can get it to fly a bit further.

  5. Jag tänker mest på hur förbaskat mycket barr det ligger på balkongen. Så fort en gran börjar bli torr räcker det ju med att andas på den så tappar den barren. Och de är sylvassa...

    Intressant bild med symmetri och små detaljer som bryter mönstren.

  6. I just saw two of them all lit up in windows the other night. That always makes me wonder.

  7. I suppose it's a bit of a puzzle how to get them down from a flat. Getting them up is easier when they're wrapped in netting.
