Sunday, February 12, 2017

Burning Calories

Burning Calories
Fact. I have never ever worked out at a gym. Or tried jogging on a treadmill. This is the SATS gym in Handen. If you want to you could spend 1000 of those coins I showed you yesterday every month here. Well that was an exaggeration as they have a deal for only 999SEK per month.


  1. I a with you on the way not to burn the calories! ;-)
    Lovely reflections, though.

  2. Our athletics facilities on campus include gyms like this, but I prefer using the pool instead.

  3. That seems like a lot of money to me. If I cut back to part time work, which I hope to this year, I'll have time to join the fitness center at my town's community center for US$10 a month (senior rate).

  4. That is their most expensive deal, so you could probably get away with a lot less, but still.

  5. January & February is always a good month for businesses like this. I have had a membership in a couple of years back. Now I save the money and go for walks with our BIG DOG. It is good for both of us.
