Sunday, December 25, 2016

A Winter Landscape

Le Quattro Stagione
Okay lets get the important fact out first. This is not a photo from today. I took this photo two weeks ago. When we still had snow, because it is long gone today.I'm calling this photo Le Quattro Stagione. Many new homes will be built at Nedersta in Västerhaninge in the coming year or so. To try and sell the houses the new complex has been named Årstiderna, The Four seasons, after Vivaldi. They are: Vårkanten, Sommargården, Höststigen och Vintergatan. If you speak the local lingo you can read more about it here. Oh, and if you turn right just after the horse pasture and follow the path you will be at the old tree within a couple of minutes.


  1. Well, not just Vivaldi. Those of us in the more-or-less temperate zone cannot escape the seasons, but it's a good marketing idea. I hope the developers put a sledding hill in the winter area and a pool for summer.

  2. Det ser onekligen så fint och lockande ut med det snötäckta landskapet. Och det skriver jag trots min avoghet mot snö. Brunhösten behöver brytas av och då är nog snö rätt recept. Som du dokumenterat tidigare så bor du i ett expansivt område av vårt land. Det byggs på alla ledder och bredder. Hoppas ditt träd får stå orört många år framöver!
