Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Elin Ulfsdotter

Elin Ulfsdotter
This is Elin Ulfsdotter. She runs a business called Matriarkattens Hantverk. A play with words that would be tricky to translate. Elin makes hand woven ribbons. I met her at the Viking festival in Handen over the weekend.


  1. Another beautiful portrait, like the previous ones, they could really come from faraway times!

    Loved the scenes of the festival in the previous posts!
    Your fall colours are already spectacular.

  2. This looks such an interesting festival. I though for a moment this lady was a nun, she has such a serene face.

  3. She looks like a friendly lady! Beautiful smile.

  4. I love this portrait at a Vikings festival!!

  5. I think I would have enjoyed hearing that tricky translation Steffe 😀

  6. Let's see: Mother-like kittens working with their paws? No? Well, hell, I tried. She's got a nice smile. For a Viking woman. And for Ulf's dotter...

  7. She has quite a medieval look. Terrific smile!

  8. Nice one! You captured her great smile. The Viking festival sounds like lots of fun.

  9. Jättebra kontakt med den avporträtterade! Du lyckas onekligen hitta intressanta motiv gång efter gång och jag kan tänka mig att på tillställningar likt den du nu visat bild(er) ifrån så behöver man inte leta länge för annorlunda porträtt-"offer".
