Sunday, July 10, 2016

Spot the Odd One Out

Spot the Odd One Out
Vehicles. Photographed from a pedestrian bridge crossing the ever busy Gudöbroleden in Handen


  1. Love the collage. Perhaps the photographer is the odd man! Heh, heh!

  2. That's a good idea I may have to, um, borrow some time. Looks like the average car in Sweden is a lot cleaner than mine.

    Odd one? There's a single vehicle that doesn't need a license plate.

  3. Finfint kollage. Jag funderar på om SAAB:en ska bort för det bilmärket existerar ju inte längre. Eller Postens lilla gula eftersom den troligtvis är eldriven vilket de andra inte är. Eller gokarten för att man inte har säkerhetsbälte i den.

    Nu har jag för tillfället slut på idéer. :P

  4. Well they've all got four wheels Steffe so I'm stumped 😃

  5. I love all the colors you captured in these vehicles. What a variety.
    I thought about you over the weekend. I've been watching a series on Netflix called Chef's Table and over the weekend I watched one about Magnus Nisson who owns a top restaurant in the middle of nowhere in Sweden. It's called Faviken. What an interesting guy!

  6. Go Karts are not something one generally sees on the open road!
