Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Green Hill

The Green Hill
Raining as I'm typing this. So no new photos today. This is a hill in Österhaninge. I have photographed it before. I sometimes walk up the hill, (a little more to the left than you can see here), because you have a good view over Kalvsvik and Husby from up there. And it's a quiet spot to sit and reflect on life as you eat a light lunch. If you are lucky the local wildlife might walk or fly by.


  1. It does indeed look like a wonderful spot for contemplation Steffe :)

  2. It does look very peaceful.

  3. Perfekt. Ett böljande landskap, en träddunge med bra placering både i naturen och i bilden och en sommarmolnig himmel. En finfin landskapsbild!

  4. A wonderful landscape. Great subject matter for an impressionist artist.

  5. It is a calm, peaceful spot, Steffe.
