Monday, June 27, 2016

Sixteen Midsummer Snaps

Sixteen Snaps From Saturday
A collage of photos from Saturday, showing people out and about. It was a very quiet day. And warm, the hottest one of the Summer with 29C. I stopped on the pedestrian bridge that crosses the Gudöbroleden for a few photos of cars, motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians. I then continued to the big green lung that is Eskilsparken where I zoomed in on a sunbather and a couple playing kubb. At the park I met my buddy Jim who suggested we ride to the old tree. On the way I pointed out the Cardboard Box for Jim and while he took a photo of that I zoomed in on the magnificent tree that I have showed you a few times. Arriving to the old tree I had a look around for the owls and the foxes but no news there.


  1. Love these collages you have started doing. Good way to see how a group of images fit together.

  2. Kubb sounds like an interesting game, I never heard of it before. I like the continuing story of the cardboard box and the photo collage is brilliant!

  3. Another very interesting collection of images!

  4. A lot of motorbikes- and people certainly look dressed for the summer weather!

  5. A nice collection. The sunbather on the pink blanket has fogged my eyeglasses.
