Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Popstar

The Popstar Annika and the Ferrari
I met a popstar at the Targa Florio Svecia on Saturday. Annika Ljungberg. She arrived in style to the Häringe castle in a red Ferrari. Back in the 1990s she started a band called Rednex. They played electronic country and got a huge hit with their version of the song Cotton Eye Joe. In the band her stage name was Mary Joe. In 2007 Annika left the band to focus on her solo career. Back in 2012 she was diagnosed with leukaemia. She decided on the spot to heal herself and told her then nine year old daughter that she would be fine. She seemed in great spirit and health when I took these portraits. Annika is currently on tour in Sweden in a band called Cotton Eye Joe Show. She also runs a website called friskhuset.nu, a health portal.


  1. She must be doing ok if that's her car

  2. Great photos of a beautiful woman. Car isn't bad, either. I sincerely hope that she is able to enjoy a healed body.

  3. Great photos of her ( and her beloved red car of course.)

    You are still my hero when it comes to portraits!
    Let me know when you publish your book with some of them :)

  4. I should point out that this Ferrari does not belong to Annika. And she was actually supposed to arrive in another, much more expensive Ferrari, worth around 70 Million SEK, but for whatever reason that didn't work out. Interviewed on stage a little later she got a few questions about driving the Ferrari and she said that she enjoyed the experience, (who wouldn't), but she didn't want to tell us what she usually drove around in.

  5. Excellent shots of her. I'm of course familiar with the song- a Scandinavian take on it would be more welcome than the original version!

  6. Well, one does not heal oneself of leukemia by wishing it so, but I'm glad this beauty may well be in remission for whatever reason.

  7. The power of positive thinking can create miracles, I really hope there's a miracle for this lovely lady Steffe..

  8. She is a beauty, Steffe. Glad she has cured herself, or at least entered remission. Red top, red car. Perfect.

  9. Fantastic photos, fantastic story.
    Go Annika!
