Sunday, March 20, 2016

Snow replaced with snowdrops

Snödroppar Järnvägskorsning Building a tunnel
The construction of the new (second), rail-track, bridges and tunnels just south of the Tungelsta commuter station, along the Nynäsbanan railway line, has given me a new road to walk on to check out the progress of said construction. And it was during yesterdays walk that I found these snowdrops growing on a hill side near the soon to close railway crossing at karlsrovägen.


  1. The flowers are a perfect photo for the first day of spring, March 20, TODAY!!

  2. A new viewpoint is always welcome!

  3. Beautiful images, Stefan!
    Thank you so much.

  4. What a contrast in photo subjects!

  5. The flower shot is a very good macro but I like the second one the best. Stasis and motion with flashing color.

  6. I love the snowdrops and I really like the motion in the second photo!
