Sunday, March 27, 2016

Is this the real Spring?

The sun came back today
With the sun shining and the temperature back at double digits yesterday I had planned to shoot a whole bunch of cyclists flying by left and right, but this was pretty much the only cyclist that I photographed. It was so nice to just ride around without the Winter clothing that I "forgot" to lift the camera whenever I met another cyclist.


  1. Är det så att cyklar är ett vårtecken? Jag har konstaterat att motorcyklarna i alla fall ökat i antal och därmed är jag nöjd samt säker på att våren är här. :-)

  2. How many cyclists make a Spring? It's winter here again today, snow on the hills! Only the hardiest of cyclists will be out.

  3. There are a few very good roads for cycling out here. The old Road 73 is nearly free of cars now after they finished the new motorway a few years ago, and if the weather is Spring-like, chances are that you will meet a lot of happy cyclists, so yes if you meat a bunch of them out riding that is a good sign of Spring.

  4. It looks like a perfect day for riding.

  5. It doesn't look bad from your pictures. It is almost summer here!
