Thursday, March 17, 2016

Cream Colored Volvo Amazon

Cream Colored Volvo Amazon
A couple of days with warm weather was all it took. Signs of Spring popping up here and there around Haninge. The owner of this 1968 Volvo Amazon was heading for the barber which gave me enough time to take a few Brenizer method photos of the cream colored car. This is nine photos stitched together, shot with the Nifty Fifty. Spotted the owner park his car as I enjoyed a mug of coffee in the sunshine at my favorite cafe, Malmens Konditori. Unfortunately the cold weather will return tomorrow. Stay warm.


  1. The owner's taken good care of it. It'll be weeks, I imagine, before anyone hauls any classic cars here out of winter storage. You never know what can happen in March and April.

  2. You must check out my post tomorrow - an even older Volvo out already! it must be spring.

  3. Beautiful photo of a beautiful car.
    Stay warm, Stefan.
    Thank you.

  4. This is a handsome old Volvo.

  5. You recommended that I try this technique in a recent comment. I have to give it a shot this weekend - the results are so good.

    I've owned three Volvos in my life but now I've gone over to the Japanese.

  6. Another wonderful portrait. That car appears to be in perfect shape.

  7. Först och främst är det en vältagen bild! Tekniken du tillämpar funkar utmärkt i detta fall där avståndet till motivet i förhållande till bakgrunden verkligen lyfter fram partierna som är i skärpa.

    För det andra är Amazonen en bil som vinner på mig ju äldre den blir. Linjerna och formerna i bilen är riktigt coola. Att den säkert är ett elände att köra, precis som alla gamla bilar utan servostyrning, med klena motorer, dålig stötdämpning, kassa bromsar m.m. är något som man inte behöver bry sig om när man tittar på bilen på avstånd.
