Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Hat Man

The Hat Man
There he was, sitting just behind the fence. Gave me a stern look. Asked me what I was doing there, I could ask you the same thing I said. It is what it is he said, lets leave it at that, so that's what we did. But it was a nice day.


  1. You do have to look twice! I wonder how long he's been there.

  2. Fantastic !! it was a nice day - it was a nice moment - it's a great capture

  3. This is a fabulous picture, particularly with the warped part of the fence. Good find.

  4. I like surprises like this, but perhaps not when it is (nearly) dark. You have to give us an update if he is there next time you are there.

  5. That was quite a conversation Steffe, did he say all that without moving his lips :)

  6. He did tell me one more thing, he claimed to be one of the Blues Brothers.
