Friday, November 27, 2015

That Old Tree

That Old Tree
November has been unusually warm. But very gray. And rainy. And dark. And... I could go on and on about the weather, but no one wants to hear that so here is my latest photo of the old tree.


  1. A somber portrait. I need to get out and shoot some the trees here in Kansas where we are for the weekend. The issue is 5-10 mm of ice on everything/

  2. Today the old tree reminds me of an effeminate man dancing on a stage, wiggling his hips and shaking his fingers.

  3. I love that old tree and look forward to pictures of it. Same here with today's weather, though it really hasn't been to bad the month as a whole. But today was just so gray and wet and drab and dreary!

  4. It's preparing for another cold winter Steffe!

  5. Walking through the Morton Arboretum the other day, I saw a tree that very much resembles yours. Such beauties...
    Looking forward to seeing it Spring!! Thanks, Stefan.

  6. Winter's just around the corner for the tree!
