Saturday, October 24, 2015

Water droplets

Water Droplets on Autumn Leaf
Not much rain in October until we got a few millimeters earlier in the week. I was of course out on the steel horse when the rain started, and biking in the rain in Autumn is never much fun. The following day I took another bike ride to the Rudan nature reserve where I tried my luck at photographing droplets on autumn leaves


  1. You always find something new to amaze us! Bravo!

  2. Droplets on autumn leaves.
    A fitting name for a poem........
    Also a fitting name for this poem of a photo.
    Absolutely beautiful!
    Thank you, Stefan.

  3. This looks like bacteria under the microscope.

  4. Beautiful Steffe. Looks like lots of colourful paper weights, in all sizes :)

  5. You do the best macro work of anyone on CDP. Superb.
