Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Me and a new facade

Facade Selfie of the Day I went for a photo walk in Handen with a friend the other day. We checked out what will be the new secondary school at the Fredrika Bremer-gymnasium, and that's where I took these two photos. The selfie was an obvious one don't you think. The top photo is from what will probably be a machine hall in the new school.


  1. So what are the little whirly things I see here and there on your selfie shot Steffe, there's one on your boot :)

  2. I'm not sure how you did this and I too am wondering about those whirls.

  3. Both photos are great and the mysterious whirls add to your self-portrait! Explanation needed, please...

  4. Yes, an explanation would be useful!

  5. You have us confused, Steffe. I am guessing the whirl is a fastener in the reflective surface you used.

  6. There's a pedway between the old and the new school buildings. If you walk under it and look up you can see this reflective surface so full marks to Jack.

  7. Photo # 1

    I see a construction emulating the work of Oscar Niemeyer?

    Photo # 2

    I see a great looking Swede looking up?

    Thanks, Stefan

  8. I can imagine the top picture as a painting in a contemporary art museum. And as for the second one, well, cool boots.
