Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Love Antell

Love Antell Tompa Young Antell Fan A Candid Portrait Applauds
Love Antell, singer in the band Florence Valentin made a solo performance at Poseidon's Square on Sunday during the Haninge Day celebrations. He dedicated one song to Tompa Eken (second photo), and another one to local punk band (back in the day), Dom Vässade. Antell became a household name in Sweden last year when he participated in the TV show Så Mycket Bättre. While Love was singing I took some candid photos of the crowd.


  1. Couldn't help but notice the hair on all of these people—seems to be one of their defining features. Great top shot of musician.

  2. The last two shots particularly appeal to me.

  3. The girl in the 4th photo is dreamy!!

  4. Good action shots. Puts us right there.

  5. Great images and great portraits!

  6. Super series of crowd shots Steffe, checked the link, was hoping to hear some music!
