Saturday, September 05, 2015

Cars & Girls

1969 Chevrolet Corvette Americana
That is the name I gave to the flickr set with photos from the 2015 Grand Prix Raggarbil. The raggare subculture is very unique to Sweden, but you can find them in Norway and Finland as well. They do love parts of the American culture from the 50s to the 70s as I have told you many times before, and I leave you with this Chevrolet Corvette and a slideshow with all my photos from this years event.


  1. I love "vets"—learned to drive on one. If this one were mine, I would not have it painted with the flag. a nice sleek black car is more my style.

  2. Quite a collection of American cars.

  3. That Corvette really does stand out!

  4. How could you go wrong? But does a Corvette need to advertise its American breeding?

  5. The Corvette is attention-getting with that paint job. I admire vettes, but I am too tall to fit comfortably in a vette.
