Friday, August 14, 2015

The gorgeous electrician

The gorgeous electrician Smoking Hot
Funny story here. I noticed this girl all dressed in white as she disappeared into a grocery store in Handen and figured I needed to take her photo. So I approach her when she comes out from the store. First thing she says to me is that she doesn't like having her photo taken. Second thing that she never looks good when photographed. So I obviously had to prove her wrong! After the photos I ask her a few questions (she works as an electrician, family business), and when the tells me that her name is Catlin I recognize her from when we met five years ago! You can see her on the second photo of that post if you press here.


  1. Wow. What a coincidence. Great portraits!

  2. I enjoyed your link! How could you forget this beautiful young woman?! She and her sister are very beautiful with lovely long blonde locks!

  3. Gosh if it's possible she looks younger than she did five years ago Steffe!

  4. Why do the electricians I hire not look like this? Anyway, she is indeed beautiful or at least you made her so. Another wonderful portrait.

  5. Ah...
    I think I might need some oxygen. I might just short circuit. YIKES!

  6. Amusing story. You're right - she is gorgeous (then and now).

  7. I have never seen an electrician like this!

  8. Come to think of it, I have some electrical work that needs to be done . . .
