Sunday, August 09, 2015

Dodge Matador

Dodge Matador
A very rare car. The 1960 Dodge Matador. The Bullfighter wasn't tough enough, and was beaten by the Dart model so only 29 000 Matadors were ever built. I spotted this one yesterday from the wooden bridge that crosses the Gudöbroleden in Handen. It is my favorite spot for car spotting. The added dice and those eyes on the car makes me think that the girl driving this Matator is involved in the Raggare subculture.


  1. Purty in pink :) I think you may be right Steffe, bit of a teaser with the glimpse of drivers hand, wonder what she looked like..

  2. Intressant, jag har nog inte sett den modellen tidigare. Och ett annorlunda ställe att hänga de obligatoriska tärningarna på... Bra fångat!

  3. You have a never ending stream of great American car up there!
