Monday, August 03, 2015


Adeline A shot below the waist
August started with sunshine so I decided to shoot a few street portraits. This is Adeline. She was out walking her dog when I spotted her in Handen. I have to confess that it was her denim shorts that I noticed first. Adeline is a real animal lover and has an education to prove it. Three years at the Djurgymnasiet (secondary school), in Stockholm, so today she is a qualified zoo keeper. She is currently working at a preschool. Her hobbies include pencil drawing. If you want to see her dog press here.


  1. Yes, you certainly are an aficionado of denim. Adeline isn't bad either.

  2. What a sweet face and gorgeous eyes. I will have to visit you one day to learn how you approach these women.

    I have never met a zookeeper, qualified or otherwise.

  3. An interesting zookeeper!

  4. Bob´s comment made me smile :)
    She is one of many models you have photographed.
    I am still waiting for your book with portraits of people.

  5. Ah.... forget the dog. More denim, please.

  6. I got a smile out of Bob's remark!

    The camera loves her!

  7. Fun seeing her face and her denim shorts. I would not have guessed that they go together.
