Friday, July 17, 2015

That Old Tree

That Old Tree That Old Tree
Here are my two, (so far), July photos of the old tree. It was warm and windy on my first visit this month (second photo),and a bit calmer the week after that. If you look closely you can see that the farmer have been busy harvesting the hay.


  1. Det där trädet behöver ingen egen röst, det kan tala ändå. Fascinerande grenverk om än något komplext. Ett mycket bra motiv du en gång för länge sedan valt ut och hållit fast vid. Landskapet runt omkring pratar också med oss som betraktar det och förändras med vädret och årstiderna. Behagligt att vila ögonen på och låta anden sväva fritt över för en stund!

  2. It looks like it has filled out a bit more.

  3. Hayin' is hard work in hot sun before the rains come. Good to have a shady tree nearby.

  4. Two great shots. I can see those even lines in the field behind the tree.

  5. As always great shots of that tree

  6. World-famous and always amazing...

  7. Your tree has a lot of character. Like the blue skies in 2nd image.

  8. Blue skies certainly change the mood.
    They are haying the fields around us these days, too. I see people working until very late in the day.

  9. I do love that old tree.
