Tuesday, July 07, 2015


Red and very delicious Smultron
A "smultronställe" is a favorite place that you want to keep a secret. It is also a movie by Ingmar Bergman. Smultron is also the Swedish name of the wild strawberry. It is a very tiny and sweet berry. Whenever I manage to find a few "smultron" I will eat them with my "filmjölk" for breakfast. Luckily for me there are a few "smultronställen" at Bergdalen where I live and that's where I took these photos.


  1. Looks like a flavor bomb, almost hyper-real.

  2. The wild strawberry looks sweet and juict Steffe.. Can I ask what 'filmjolk' is? I'm guessing something like oats maybe?

  3. This reminds me. Better get some fresh strawberries today.

  4. Love the small strawberry: it looks so juicy... I remember the movie, it was 'Il posto delle fragole' in Italian.
