Tuesday, June 02, 2015

The First Day of Summer

First Day of Summer
Summer is here. It arrived yesterday. At least if you count June, July and August as Summer. This is the tiny beach at Upper Lake Rudan in Handen. There's a bigger beach at the other end of the lake. The first day of Summer day started with hard rain for a few hours. That was followed by hard winds so it was no surprise to find the beach empty, but hey, it's a start!


  1. Nice shot. I like the emptiness. :-)

  2. ...and here it's the second day of winter Steffe, and dare I say, the sun was shining :)

  3. I quite like empty beaches...

  4. What a beautiful spot! (and yes the sun was shining today but its raining at my house at the moment...)

  5. It doesn't feel as summer like here as it does in your pic!

  6. It looks so tempting to jump in for a swim, but I'll bet the water's cold!

  7. Things can only get better for you, we are all complaining about our winter chill arriving.
