Sunday, May 17, 2015

Shaun the Sheep

Shaun the Sheep
It will cost you 3600SEK to take Shaun home. Not very cheap at all. Found it outside the cafeteria in the Tyresta village in the national park yesterday.


  1. Looks remarkable good but a pity its so expensive.

  2. He would make the perfect pet. Except you'd have to scoop up the little tin cans left on the ground.

  3. Well, if they paid me that much I still wouldn't take Shaun home! :)

  4. Shaun's got a rather anarchic look to him!

  5. Poor Shaun looking for a home! ;-)

  6. Oh, Shaun looks so lonesome! I'd love to take him home!
    (Love your macros from yesterday. They're gorgeous!)

  7. wow that's about £280 even at a tenth of the price I'd consider it expensive.

  8. Jag gillar verkligen fåret Shaun. Denna konstnärliga tolkning tycker jag är lite busigt frän. Priset på konst kan diskuteras och tolkas i det oändliga, om någon betalar denna summa för verket är det onekligen värt det. För någon.

    På Gotland i prylbutikerna kryllar det av gosedjur och annat med fåret Shaun. Förvisso är ön full av får så kopplingen är väl inte helt fel. Men om denna utländska figur får användas hur som helst vet i sjutton. Men han är cool!

  9. I do like Shaun very much but 3600... I don't think so :)

  10. Will be interesting to see if he has to stay outside the cafe for long.

  11. He is cute:)
    I hope he will get a good home.
