Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A smooth pan

Försvarets SK Summer Driving Panning can be tricky sometimes
One or two warm days lately, almost Summer-like. And whenever that happens I tend to shoot photos like these. Cyclist working hard on a uphill climb at Hanveden. His bike club is Försvarets SK which means that he is in the armed forces. Second photo shows summer driving in a 1966 Pontiac Bonneville in Handen. And the last snap is how some of my panning photos turns out sometimes. No one ever said that it should be easy...


  1. Great action shots, particularly that first one.

  2. You nailed these. I'm no good at panning at all.

  3. The first two are great as always, the last one looks like one of mine...

  4. Fantastic panning shots you've got here. Mine all look like the last one.

  5. I love this effect in photos. Wheeeee!!!!
