Sunday, April 19, 2015

Styvmorsviol and Svalört

Viola tricolor I have seen thee, high and low,
I took a walk at Kapp-Ekeby byväg (byväg means farm road), a couple of days ago. A rural landscape just outside Västerhaninge. There used to be two farms in this little village, one was called Sandviken, but they were abandoned back in 1877. All that remains visible today is the old road. But if you look closely you can find remains from the Iron Age here so this is a place where people lived for a very long time. On this visit I decided to look for signs of Spring and this was the result. Top photo shows a Styvmorsviol. Second snap is a Svalört. To get this close I used an extension tube and the trusted pancake lens. And I might have to go back as I lost yet another lens cap!


  1. The detail in these is very pretty. Signs of Spring are such a joy after the long winter.

  2. I like to see some pictures of that old place !

  3. Jättefina macrobilder på dessa vårblommor.

    På vissa kameralinser, åtminstone på kompaktkameror, fanns det i alla fall förr i tiden en liten snodd som höll fast linslocket vid objektivet. Kanske skulle du behöva det... Förvisso irriterade denna lösning mig till vansinne men man tappar inte bort linslocket i alla fall. ;-)

  4. I have a few photos from Kapp Ekeby at flickr Wong. Not sure if I have tagged them all correctly but if you press here you can see a few of them.

    Det skulle jag verkligen behöva Lasse, som det är nu brukar jag skicka SMS till brorsan (jobbar i STHLM), när locken börjar sina och så köper han ett gäng på sin lunchrast.

  5. Flotte foto!
    Vi kaller den øverste for stemorsblomst, tror jeg.

    Ha en fin søndag!

  6. After losing one lens cap too much, now I have tied it to the camera. It's ugly to see, but it works...

  7. Perfect floral macros, composition and DOF.

  8. Very pretty signs of spring Steffe, I wonder if the first is what I would call a pansy? So sweet.

  9. Nice, detailed close-ups. I need to work on my techniques with flower close-ups. Too often they end up with blurry and washed out colors and details.
