Sunday, April 12, 2015

Pick a door

Two Blue Doors Two blue doors at the old Fredrik gymnasium school in Handen. The real name of the school is Fredrika Bremergymnasiet, named of course after the famous author. The name Fredrik is a play with words of sorts as the students in this part of the school were usually male, although that has of course changed today. Anywho, a new "Fredrik" school is currently being built across the road from here next to the "real" Frerdika Bremer school.


  1. Male toilet doors? They are blue.

  2. You do sometimes see double doors like this in athletic facilities.

  3. A beautiful, evocative photograph with wonderful color. Reminds me of the Monty Hall problem, .

  4. I'll be adventurous and take the one to the left Steffe, it looks a wee bit more exciting :)
