Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Book Swapping Bus Stop

Bus Stop With A Difference Book Swapping Bus Stop
What a great idea. Bring a book with you when you walk down to the bus stop. Leave it on a bookshelf there for anyone to take. Book swappping bus stop at Runda plan in Årsta Havsbad (my favotire beach).


  1. Very interesting concept. So far I have only seen theses book stations on people's blogs. I am still search for the real thing.

  2. This is a great idea, have never seen it at a busstop only in gardens of people here.

  3. Vilken välkomnande och fin busshållplats. Jag gillar även raderna med postlådor till vänster i bild som tyder på ett slags ordning och reda. Bra bilder i ett ljus som inte är helt lätt att bemästra eftersom det är stor skillnad på ljusmängden utanför och inuti busskuren.

  4. Here we have 'books as art' too. Ain't it the truth.

  5. Great! Not sure it would work here...

  6. Love the idea !

  7. Super idea! I read that these little swap stores are in the USA but some counties have forbidden them on planning laws:(

  8. It really is a wonderful idea Steffe, like Andy I have yet to see one here in Perth.. would love to.

  9. Fantastisk!!

    Dette kommer jeg til å huske lenge.

  10. That bookshelf idea is terrific, as is the image itself!
