Saturday, April 25, 2015

A guy walks up the stairs

A guy walks up the stairs
So this (dumb), guy (me), wakes up in the middle of the night. And he needs to use the bathroom downstairs. For the last few weeks he has been busy (off and on), refurbishing the rooms on the second floor, and because of that there's a very hard steel ladder in the middle of the staircase. The dumb guy manages to walk down the stairs without any problems. But then, a minute later, walking up the stairs, he has completely forgotten about that steel ladder.


  1. That's your story and you're sticking to it hey Steffe :) Only kidding, bet that had you 100% awake!!

  2. More that that, I was out could for a while. And this morning when I was on the phone I just dozed off for a few seconds. Spent a few hours in bed icing it. A bit better now, but I'm kinda shaky.

  3. That dozing off bit could be a bad sign. It does look painful!

  4. OMG, Stefan !
    By the way, it is an unique and nice selfie, frame it and hang it up in the staircase.

  5. Sounds as if you could do with a medical check over if you were out cold. Hope it improves very soon.

  6. Steffe, that does look painful. Have checked if you are dozing off.

  7. Ooh nasty... Bet that hurt. Hope you're recovering now.

  8. Ouch. (I know that several other commenters also said that, but it looks like it hurts . . . ouch.)

  9. Wow. Wounds like that deserve a better story. Let's say you came to the rescue of a damsel in distress and you had to fight several bad guys to do so.
