Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Walking into a wall

A Brick Wall
I'm nearly there. Close to walking into the wall. At least when it comes to photography. A couple of things are against me. The renovation at home is taking a lot of time and effort. And then it's the weather, seriously come on, we need some sunshine and a blue sky or two! This is one of the snaps I have taken recently. A school wall. Shot with the new silent zoom lens. It's almost spooky how it focuses quickly, and without any noise at all.


  1. Don't despair Steffe, both of those obstructions will come to an end at some point :) in the meantime you are taking some very inventive images!

  2. Hav förtröstan, soltimmarna brukar bli fler och fler när vi tids nog kämpat oss igenom mars.

    Jag gillar gråskalan i bilden. De tre stammarna utgör huvudmotivet i denna bild för mig. Fundamentet är bakgrunden, alltså tegelväggen, och alla ostyriga grenar ger liv åt skapelsen. En intressant bild!

  3. Wonderful image. This tree shows off the starkness of late winter. Gimme a little sun. Will ya?

  4. This is a really interesting shot - very graphic - it almost looks like a pen and ink drawing or something

  5. The lens and camera combination has great clarity. I like the contrast of the natural and unnatural.
