Thursday, March 26, 2015

Anemone hepatica

Anemone hepatica Spring is on hold. It is way too cold for my liking. The sun is gone. Cycling past the little horse farm at the Bronze Age burial site I had to be careful as a group of people employed by the municipality were busy clearing the road and path from trees and shrubs. For some reason they decided to cut down all the apple trees that grows next to the horse pasture, I have stopped there several times to feed the horses but that will not happen again. As I continued my ride I decided to stop and see if I could find any more "blåsippor". And they were starting to pop up here and there, despite the cold weather. Not as photogenic as the polka dot version I found a few days ago, but still.


  1. Excellent photo of the Hepatica! Nothing blooming yet here north of Toronto!

  2. Perfect image, and a happy sign of spring.

  3. The Advent color purple has always been a favorite hue of mine.

  4. Beautiful macro, they are not easy to photograph...

  5. A beautiful little flower with brilliant color. I hope you get some warmth soon.

  6. Very pretty!
    That is sad to take away the horse treats. The horses will be disappointed.

  7. This flower stands on its own merits. Hepatica, if I remember my Latin, means having to do with the liver. Does this plant poison or cure it?

  8. Known as liverleaf and liverwort in English Bob. The leaves look a bit like the human liver, and back when they didn't know better they thought it would help against problems with the liver.
