Friday, March 13, 2015

A tiny tiny flower

Tiny Hazel Flower
After that very warm March day last Sunday (don't laugh Grace), the temperature dropped down a few degrees, and then a few more. It has been a few cold nights since, but I see more and more signs of Spring most every day. I bought a some macro photo equipment recently and so far I have tried two of them. This is a tiny tiny hazel flower, a few millimeters long. I shot that hand-held with an extension tube (one of three that I bought), mounted in front of the silent zoom lens.


  1. What a very sweet sign of spring Steffe, nice work with the macro.
    p.s. just smiling a little :)

  2. Looks like the investment was worth. The details in this shot are amazing.

  3. That is an exceptionally good macro and floral shot. Extension tubes rock.

  4. Bra macrobild! Intressant perspektiv och "rätt" detaljer är i skärpa. Jag gillar. :-)

    Bra att tillbehören lämpar sig att använda med ditt nya objektiv. Det ger en mångsidighet och flexibilitet är sällan av ondo.

  5. Delightful. A true wonder.
