Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ugly graffiti

Someone needs a good spanking. This is one of the remaining farm buildings at the Rudan Nature Reserve. Built a little over three hundred years ago. The municipality owns the land here since the 1960s. This warehouse stands very close to the Upper Lake, and this area was known as Sjöhagen. Just a few meters from here is the popular beach. In the Summer that is. Now during the Winter period you are more likely to meet ice skaters than sun bathers. After taking this photo I emailed a copy to the municipality asking them to send in the graffiti removal team.


  1. Alla eventuella argument från ligisterna som sprayar faller platt i detta fall. De brukar ju hävda att de förskönar fula och tråkiga betongmiljöer m.m. med sin "konst". Detta är ren och skär vandalism och det borde ju hen som höll i sprayburken sett också.

    Bra att du fångat det på en bild i alla fall. Hoppas det går att snygga till den gamla byggnaden.

  2. Shocking Steffe, some people have no respect. Glad you spotted and reported it.

  3. Taggers have absolutely no respect for what doesn't belong to them.

  4. Some people are just mindless. Good on you for reporting this.

  5. That kind of graffiti may be alright in its place...but that isn't its place.

  6. We would need a graffiti removal battalion...
