Sunday, February 08, 2015

It's still winter

Still Winter


  1. Den bänken ser inte ut att vara prioriterad vintertid. Det tycks som om plogsträngen hamnat vid och på bänken. Kul bild som du observerat och "nitat" med kameran! :-)

  2. Oh my that IS a lot of snow Steffe.. It's amazing to think in a few weeks (or so) it will all be gone!

  3. haha the combo of the title of the post and the image made me chuckle. Getting sick of the snow? Looks like a chilly place to rest...

  4. Enjoy the season and keep warm!
    Have you parked your bike now?
    Here we have plenty of rain and this weekend the storm OLE did some really severe damages further north in Norway.

  5. Just a perfect illustration. I hope your knees didn't get too cold.

  6. 5C today, and sunshine, so the snow will start to melt now. This bench stands very close to a walkway so most of the snow in front of it comes from the snow plowing just as Lasse pointed out in Swedish in his comment. The view from the bench is unique. If you rest here (pun intended), you are looking straight at the old execution rock from the good old times!

  7. Come back in a few days...
