Sunday, February 15, 2015

Ice skaters and a cross-country skier

Ice skaters and a cross-country skiers Swix Rudan Nature Reserve
You can go ice skating on the frozen upper lake at the Rudan nature reserve today if you want to. Or try cross-country skiing as this woman was just done with when I lifted the camera towards the lake yesterday. When I arrived to the nature reserve (on my bicycle of course), the parking lot was almost filled to capacity. Cross-country skiers arrived in hordes! Second photo shows one of them. Third snap is of two of the old farm buildings near the upper lake. Today they are used for different purposes. The ski club uses the building to the left. The big barn is today a theater.


  1. Fina bilder! Det ser dock inte ut att vara helt lättåkt för långfärdsskridsko-entusiasterna.

    Många skidåkare har längtat efter vettiga spår just nu och framförallt finns det väl en hord Vasaloppsåkare som i panik försöker få ihop några mil inför den stora prövningen.

  2. Wonderful images, that show life happening at the frozen lake. I can see why people come here in abundance.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. Cross country skiing sounds like much too much hard work... beautiful shots though

  4. I would like to try this, but I am not sure I will learn. We are getting a lot of rain instead of the snow...

  5. Looks like a good day for cross-country skiing! It is too cold here to be out and about.

  6. Cross country is something I like to do and skating fills my memory bank with good times.

  7. Cross country skiing- I love it. I don't get out as much as I'd like, but any chance I can, it's great to be out there.

  8. Embrace winter. We have been avoiding it but back into the freezer on Monday. We expect to be greeted by a fair amount of snow.
