Friday, January 02, 2015

There's a certain slant of light

Winter Greenhouse
I took this photo late last year, just a couple of days ago in fact. It's the little greenhouse in the park in Tungelsta. Built by the members of the local historical association. Using parts from abandoned greenhouses around Tungelsta. It is very popular for weddings and baptisms as well as markets and what have you. But it was empty on this very cold day. The temperature was -10C. What a difference a few days will do. As I'm typing this it is 8C and we are waiting for the storm Svea to hit us.


  1. 3°C while I am reading this, which makes me wonder about the weather of Mediterranean countries...

  2. Nordisk kyla på fönster och glas kan precis som här ge schyssta effekter. Jag måste skriva att jag faktiskt saknar minusgraderna nu när allt tinat upp, det är 8 plusgrader och årstiden "vinter" känns mer avlägsen än någonsin.

  3. "There's a certain slant of light,
    On winter afternoons,
    That oppresses, like the weight
    Of cathedral tunes."

    Doesn't look like this light oppresses at all; I think Emily would enjoy your use of her words for the photo.

  4. Sheeeeesh!
    Do they really need name ALL storms? I think it laughable.
    Hang on!

  5. I like the effect of the ice on the glass. Here it's quite cold today, certainly under the -10C mark.
