Friday, December 19, 2014

Ye Old Farm Building

Ye Old Farm Building
Here is the December version of the old warehouse at the Välsta farm. It's my fourth photo in the monthly series. Had I waited 24 hours it would have been a snowy scene, but the snow we got this week was gone in another 24 hours. Previous photos of the warehouse here and here.


  1. I really love the landscape. The image brings the atmosphere of a winter evening out nicely.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. "Ye old" ? Wow, is English your first language? That's a wonderful, and classic, shot.

  3. Each picture is just as beautiful but the scene is so different with the changing seasons. I like seeing the series.

  4. I think this particular scene will look good in most weather, it has up to now :) Have a wonderful Christmas Steffe.

  5. I like the idea of this project and all the past photos. This one is slightly less spectacular, but not less beautiful!
